The Empty Womb

Well the long awaited time is reached its final week, Chris will be leaving on August 7th and we wont see him again until his graduation from boot camp. If all goes well that will be in November. He begins his journey into one of his first paths of his adult life and I know that in many ways this boy that I have seen grow into a young man will be a different man when he returns, but no matter what changes he may take on he will always be my son whom I love and respect and am truly proud of. It will be very hard and emotional for me to see him leave. I can’t begin to imagine what Maria is going through at this time. As a man I cant begin to understand the emotional and physical connection that a mother has with her children from the moment that life begins in her womb life takes on a whole new meaning something that as a man I will never get to experience yet alone understand. From that moment on everything begins to change and when I look back and see the changes that begin to take place it is truly amazing I look back and remember the many things and changes that seemed a bit odd at the time but now somewhat make sense, like how much she hated pizza and how Chris loves it! How the smell of anything spicy just made her sick and Chris cant get enough of the spicy foods, She loved tomatoes and Chris can’t stand them. There are so many things that you never put stock into and as time goes on you begin to see your children grow up and develop and you can see why the connection between a mother and her child is truly amazing from that first moment in her womb she was not only caring for another life but unknowingly taking part in the development of that life she was already living it, The likes and dislikes that would become evident later in life. She cared for him in her womb for nine month and even though she knew him already she would meet him for the first time! Can you imagine knowing someone only to meet them for the first time? Nineteen years later she finds herself once again in a similar experience just as he left her womb empty nineteen years ago so that she could meet him for the first time, he will leave her arms empty, It will be much like the first time she knows him and has cared for him and she knows that when she see’s him again it will be like meeting him for the first time again. So I can only imagine what she will be going through I witnessed how painful it was for her when she met him for the first time and know I will witness how painful it will be to say goodbye for the first time.

1 Corinthians 13

1 Suppose I speak in the languages of human beings and of angels. If I don't have love, I am only a loud gong or a noisy cymbal. 2 Suppose I have the gift of prophecy. Suppose I can understand all the secret things of God and know everything about him. And suppose I have enough faith to move mountains. If I don't have love, I am nothing at all. 3 Suppose I give everything I have to poor people. And suppose I give my body to be burned. If I don't have love, I get nothing at all.

4 Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not want what belongs to others. It does not brag. It is not proud. 5 It is not rude. It does not look out for its own interests. It does not easily become angry. It does not keep track of other people's wrongs.

6 Love is not happy with evil. But it is full of joy when the truth is spoken. 7 It always protects. It always trusts. It always hopes. It never gives up.

8 Love never fails. But prophecy will pass away. Speaking in languages that had not been known before will end. And knowledge will pass away.

9 What we know now is not complete. What we prophesy now is not perfect. 10 But when what is perfect comes, the things that are not perfect will pass away.

11 When I was a child, I talked like a child. I thought like a child. I had the understanding of a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.

12 Now we see only a dim likeness of things. It is as if we were seeing them in a mirror. But someday we will see clearly. We will see face to face. What I know now is not complete. But someday I will know completely, just as God knows me completely.

13 The three most important things to have are faith, hope and love. But the greatest of them is love.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Marcelia Aguilar Perez

Remembering a Great Woman
It is no secret to anyone that knew my Great Grandma Marcelina of how Precious a person she was a true Diamond in the rough, Her Love for God and her never fading Faith and trust in her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was truly the biggest testament to all of us and still to this day I miss her and frequently I catch my self going back on a memory trail, remembering the days at her home in Mexico, the summers were unforgettable, from the early break of day until sundown she made every moment count she was always the first one up and the last one to bed her delight in taking care of those she loved was clearly evident and all she ever asked in return was that we respected her home her rules and everyone there, she had the biggest collection of animals her own private zoo you could say there was never a stray or a stranger that she refused shelter or a warm meal, if only you knew how hard it is for me to hold back my tears at this point as I think back at everything that she did truly she was part of a generation that has slowly been coming to a end, a time when you took care not just of your family but anyone in need truly the total opposite of what we see today. I miss her stories and her gentle way.

In Loving Memory of Marcelina Aguilar Perez
June 2 1901 - January 6 2000

Like the stars that shine both night and day they are always there I just have to open up my eyes, neither life nor death will ever turn my sight away, today your missed my life you changed your love with me like stars it burns night and day it never fades away one day will reunite until that day I want to say your Gone But Never Forgotten

By, Felipe

Here is a Picture of Mother and Daughter, on the left my Grandma Guadalupe my mom's mother holding my sister Felicitas son Mateo and to the right is my Great Grandma Marcelina holding my sister's oldest daughter son Angel